Frequently Asked Questions
- + When should students arrive at school?
- When does the school day end?
- If a student arrives before 8:00 a.m. where should they go?
- Where should I drop off my child if I bring them to school?
- Where should I pick up my child after school?
- What if my child is absent from school?
- Do I need to stop in the office when visiting during the school day?
- What if I need to get my child out of school early?
- What if I need to make alternative arrangements for my child at the end of the day?
- Can my child have access to a phone for specific situations?
- Can I eat lunch with my child?
- - When do students stay inside for recess due to weather?
- Are students required to wear boots and snow pants for winter recess?
- How can I find out about school cancellations?
- Can birthday invitations be distributed at school?
- Can my child bring birthday treats to school?
- Are there rules for bringing electronic devices to school?